The Incarnation – A “Sola Scriptura” Bible Study.

We conducted a Bible Study recently where we looked at just those scriptures which spelt out the reasons for the Incarnation. The focus of the study was limited to verses which explicitly state “he came because…” or “he was sent in order to…” or “for this reason he came..”.  It took real discipline not to venture beyond the Incarnation and into e.g. the reasons for the cross.

We took turns reading aloud, and discussed each as we went along. We had a few surprise moments in the discussion too! This was our list:

Matthew 1: 21-23  Matthew 5:17 Matthew 20:28

Mark 1:24 Mark 1:38

Luke 4:43 Luke 5:32 Luke 12:49-51 Luke 19:10

John 1:29 John 3:16-17; John 6:38-40;  John 10:10 John 12:47 John 18:37

Galatians 4:4-5

1 Timothy 1:15

Hebrews 2:14-15,17*

1 John 3:5,8

1 John 4:9,14

[* Note how the ESV wrongly chooses ‘make propitiation’ instead of ‘make atonement’ (hilaskomai).  Included in the study should also be 1 John 4:10 but the ESV again needs a health warning regarding translation. It should read “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice (Mercy Seat) for our sins”].

Hope you enjoy the study.

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